Ground Up

How Radical Transparency Sold a Bikini Brand To Women Without an Ocean

Ground Up

How Radical Transparency Sold a Bikini Brand To Women Without an Ocean

Oct 10, 2024

Ground Up is a series by 1:1 Studios designed to spotlight Missoula’s entrepreneurs who are building their businesses and community from the ground up. Each installment dives into the challenges and insights of local ventures, bringing you the stories of the people cultivating them.

The Making of Gemini Mountain Swimwear

In Missoula, Montana, a swimwear brand is making waves far beyond its mountain town origins. Gemini Mountain Swimwear, founded by Sam Alario, has become a local legend with a growing community of fans and supporters nationwide. We sat down with Sam to get a better sense of her story and what led her to where she is now.

A Life-Altering Moment

This story starts In the fall of 2013, when Sam’s life took an unexpected turn. “I had a sporadic brain hemorrhage, and it changed the entire course of my life,” she recalls. Once a college athlete and bartender, she was suddenly faced with challenges that upended her life. The physical and emotional hurdles were brutal, but one promise kept her moving forward.

“I kept a promise to myself even after my hemorrhage—I wanted to travel,” Sam says. “And when I was strong enough, I booked that ticket and headed south.” Traveling to South America, she found herself surrounded by the beach culture of Nicaragua. “It was in Nicaragua I became inspired, and my love of bikinis came rushing back,” she explains. Digging through baskets of untagged bikinis in little surf shops ignited an idea that would eventually evolve into Gemini Mountain Swimwear.

Identifying a Unique Opportunity

Back in Missoula, Sam noticed a gap in the market. “I learned very quickly that there were no bikini brands catering to mountain girls,” she notes. Despite being far from the ocean, women in mountainous regions love their swimwear just as much as anyone else.

“No brands were using outdoor photography as imagery,” Sam continues. “No brands were targeting women who weren’t on vacation or living on the beach.” Recognizing this overlooked community, she decided to create a brand that spoke directly to them — the hot spring and mountain-lake-going bikini lovers.

Building a Brand from Scratch

With a brand in mind, Sam set out to create her own swimwear line. “I taught myself how to sew from YouTube,” she says. “I had never used a sewing machine before, so this was my first hurdle.” Learning everything through trial and error—from sourcing materials to marketing—she tackled each obstacle in turn.

Her commitment to sustainability added another layer of complexity. “I also learned very quickly that apparel manufacturing was the third-largest polluting industry in the world [at the time],” Sam points out. “I couldn’t contribute to this.” She sought out eco-conscious materials and implemented sustainable practices. Ultimately, this meant sourcing fabric from Italy and keeping manufacturing local, despite the added logistical challenges.

The Value of Digital Marketing

A crucial element in Gemini’s growth has been Sam’s savvy use of digital media. “Social media marketing has been the greatest marketing tool for Gemini,” she explains. By leveraging platforms like Instagram and Facebook, she has connected with customers far and wide, showcasing her swimwear in the natural beauty of Montana’s outdoors.

“It has shaped my entire business,” Sam says, speaking of digital media. “The imagery and content have been at the forefront of our marketing from day one and have been the strongest strategy in forming a lasting brand impression.” High-quality photos and videos featuring real women in authentic settings resonate with her audience and reinforce the brand’s ethos.

The combination of engaging content and authentic connection has allowed Gemini to thrive in the competitive swimwear scene.

Transparency as a Communication Style 

Sam has adopted a style of radical transparency in her communication. She includes a raw, personal, and honest look into her experiences with her business on social media.

Her transparency about the brand’s development really worked for her. It resonated with customers. “I’ve always been transparent, and this helped create a very loyal customer base whose word of mouth is incredibly powerful,” she notes. This is one of her characteristics that just so happens to create a base of loyal supporters.

Her brand is a reflection of her personal philosophy, which further resonates with many of her customers.

“It’s all about the wild and free woman, honoring yourself and your surroundings, getting outside and enjoying the beauty that surrounds us.”

This philosophy mirrors Missoula’s culture of intentional living and eco-consciousness. “We embody Missoula’s culture of living life to the fullest and freest,” she adds.

The community’s support has been overwhelming. “Without Missoula, there would be no Gemini!” Sam says gratefully. Despite shipping worldwide, a remarkable 70% of her sales come directly from Missoula. “Missoula has shown up for me and Gemini since the very first collection I launched in 2016.”

Overcoming Challenges with Determination

Keeping swimwear production in Montana hasn’t been easy. “Because I want to keep everything in Montana, this poses a lot of challenges,” Sam admits. Finding skilled artisans for a niche product using niche materials required persistence. “We get our fabric from Italy, and many times it gets held up… they need trucks to bring it into our mountain towns.”

These hurdles have shaped her journey profoundly. “Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart,” she reflects. “It’s helped shape who I am.” The trials of building a business from the ground up taught her the importance of resilience and adaptability. “You have to pick yourself up, problem-solve, lead others, learn to pivot and keep going, especially if you believe in what you’re doing.”

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

“I hope Gemini will help inspire others to take a chance on themselves,” Sam says. “To show that anyone can start a business out of passion and turn that business into something that creates a positive ripple for humanity, society, and the environment.”

For those thinking of starting a business in Missoula, Sam’s advice is clear: “Do it! This community is incredibly supportive of entrepreneurs.” She emphasizes the importance of addressing a real need: “Make sure your business is solving a problem, and figure out how to carve out your niche within that.”

“Missoula has a ton of great resources for entrepreneurs—Accelerate Montana, Blackstone LaunchPad, and the School of Business at the University of Montana are great places to start.”

Say Hi to Gemini!

Sam overcame her personal adversity and built a really cool brand. “Being an entrepreneur has taught me more about myself, what I want, and who I am than I could have ever asked for,” Sam reflects. 

Connect with Gemini Mountain Swimwear, or explore some of their badass swimwear options here:



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